


Creation date:

Gabriel II Quiz (1996)

Gabriel II


I worked as superviser of Gabriel II ticket reservation system and SITA Departure Control System on Azerbaijan Airlines in 1996. There was an exam of new staff every year. The purpose of this program is to test the knowledge of travel agents. This program is written on Win16. The example questions are in Russian. The program is supplied here with dummy questions. You can load your questions and use it for other tests.

The program components

GABITEST.EXE - the main testing program
TXT2TEST.EXE - the test builder. The command line application that creates the .QRS file from plain text file.
GABITEST.QRS - the query file where from all test questions are loading to the program.
GABITEST.SCO - the score file
Russian TTF fonts also supplied to see the demo questions.

The program

Before starting the quiz, program will ask for the name of student. This name will be fixed with your score on the Name List. Then program starts to ask some questions from supplied GABITEST.QRS file in random order. Program doesn't show the correct answer untill the end of quiz. Therefore you can click Previous and Next buttons to return to the previous question and correct your answer. The test results shown at the end of the quiz, when the user clicks Next after the last question. The result is the number of correct answers. This result is written to the Students' list beside the name of the student.

Reset the students' list

To reset the students' list delete GABITEST.SCO sore file. The next time you load the program it'll create an emty score file.


author: Jafar N.Aliyev (Jsoft)
Source: Included (Borland C for Windows)
License: Free

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